Saturday, November 1, 2008

Where does the time go?!

Wow! Great job to everyone today! I was so impressed with the turn out and with the enthusiasm to get down and dirty with the clean up. Three truck loads of garbage was collected!! Shocking but what a difference it has made. Great job by Ken and Pete with the whipper snippers too. Those raspberry bushes didn't stand a chance!! Cam and Ian also made some progress on the entrance sign so hopefully that will be resurrected soon.

So it only took us a year to get this together! We'll better late than never I always say. With this clean up and with a bit of press from The Cobden Sun we might be able to show the County that we are still eager to see some trail development on this tract. Thanks go out to Cindy for calling up Jake at the Cobden Sun to cover this story. On that note, we'll try and have our group picture loaded up next week.

Please feel free to share your comments or suggestions on this blog so we can maintain this momentum and ensure the trails continue to be keep in good condition and accessible for winter.

Many many thanks to all!



Greg Baker said...

Great job to all who cleaned the trails and parking lot area. I use the trails almost every day with my dogs. I would like to offer my assistance in discussions with Renfrew county to make these official trails, secure funding and to assist in clean ups.
I also want to point out that currently, hunting and trapping are allowed in the forest. I confirmed this with the county 2 weeks ago and was stunned that hunting and trapping is allowed in the forest used by so many for recreational purposes. I have met families, other pet owners, joggers and individuals on the trails just getting their exercise in an assumed safe forest. Please call your counciller or Don Rathwell to protest and lets try and make these trails safe for everyone to use.

Anonymous said...

We have recently moved into the area and saw the article in the Cobden Sun. How can we get involved and support the Friends? Who do we contact?